GAO Yifan   高一帆

Curriculum Vita

Publications and Preprints

  1. A boundary Harnack principle and its application to analyticity of 3D Brownian intersection exponents (with X. Li, Y. Li, R. Liu and X Liu). arXiv, 49 pages, 5 figures.

  2. Percolation of discrete GFF in dimension two II. Connectivity properties of two-sided level sets (with P. Nolin and W. Qian). arXiv, 71 pages, 8 figures.

  3. Percolation of discrete GFF in dimension two I. Arm events in the random walk loop soup (with P. Nolin and W. Qian). arXiv, 50 pages, 5 figures.

  4. Scaling limit of the occupation measure of random walk cut points (with X. Li, P. Panov and D. Shiraishi). arXiv, 57 pages, 12 figures.

  5. Multiple points on the boundaries of Brownian loop-soup clusters (with X. Li and W. Qian). arXiv, 55 pages, 12 figures.

  6. Sharp asymptotics for arm probabilities in critical planar percolation (with H. Du, X. Li and Z. Zhuang). Comm. Math. Phys., 405(182), 2024. arXiv

  7. On the chemical distance exponent for the two-sided level set of the two-dimensional Gaussian free field (with F. Zhang). ALEA Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 19(1):729-753, 2022. arXiv

In preparation

  1. Arm exponents in CLE and the Brownian loop soup (with P. Nolin and W. Qian).

  2. On the non-existence of several random fractals of zero dimension derived from Brownian motion (with X. Li, R. Liu and W. Qian).

  3. Convergence of the frontier of planar random walk in natural parametrization (with X. Li, R. Liu, X. Liu and D. Shiraishi).


Hang Du, Xinyi Li, Yifan Li, Runsheng Liu, Xiangyi Liu, Pierre Nolin, Petr Panov, Wei Qian, Daisuke Shiraishi, Fuxi Zhang, Zijie Zhuang.

Some Talks